CHPCS Science Lab Calendar

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

The STEM Club has begun.  There were more students than stools yesterday at our inargrual meeting of the CHPCS STEM Club!  A list of citizen science opportunities was presented and also a list of competitions and contests.  Both are available in the right margin of this web page.

Students filled out a survey of their interest areas in science, the survey had space for students to add areas not listed.  If you missed the meeting click on STEM Club Area of Interest Survey and send the information back to

The meetings are scheduled for Mondays 3:45pm to 4:45pm, but due to number of students the possibility of an additional day is being developed and an email announcement will be sent tomorrow.

Thank you to the parents that were able to come to the meeting and help facilitate the different groups of interest.  If you have an interest in science, engineering, technology and or math and would like to help at one or many meetings, your time contribution will be greatly appreciated.  Email your interest and availability to

A reminder to parents and students, science is about a search for knowledge and technology is the application of the knowledge.  We are capable of many things do to science, however not all those things belong in the hands of those who lack training and safety gear.  So please talk to your students about the importance of keeping others safe as well as ourselves.  STEM Club is not a safe place for students to use explosive or dangerous chemicals.  Anything that has potential for harm if mishandled is only allowed to be transported and demonstrated by or used in the presence of a trained adult and must be pre-authorized by Ms. Brunning.

Science is awesome and I am excited to be joining your children on this journey of discovery!

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