CHPCS Science Lab Calendar

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012


A great resource to use when writing lab reports or even science research project papers is LabWrite.  This site is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and maintained by North Carolina State University.  It can be used by students from middle school through college.

Guiding instructions are provided for different lab situations.  The writing process starts with the PRELAB.  On this page there are 3 lab types to choose from.  The "Standard Lab" is the typical type you will have in school science class.  The "Student Designed Lab" is basically how you write a report for a science research project.  If you select the "self-guide" option on the link it will take you to a page with guiding questions for each part of the research process.  On that page, select "See Examples"  and it will walk you through an example of the type of information to write for assignments #2, 3 and 4 of your science research project .

The site also has resources for how to prepare graphs and make citations.  It has an evaluation guide that can be used to check the thoroughness of a report before submitting.  I encourage students to use this as a guide to writing their reports.

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Science Research Project Update:
  • Classes in grade 4-8 will be meeting with Ms. Brunning at least once this week and once next week.
  • The assignments will be reviewed with students and students will be directed to email Ms. Brunning with questions (
  • The list of all the assignments and the guidelines for completing them are at the K-8 Science Research Project Assignments.
  • Students should work to get through assignment #3 this week and #4 and #5 next week. 
  • Assignment #5 requires a password from Ms. Brunning to access the online registration forms at
  • Students should work to do their best, this project is a learning process and a demonstration of mastery. 
  • Students will be allowed to revise every assignment so that the final product will be their best work.
  •  Students may turn in assignments by email, if desired, to  
  • If assignments are missing, parents will be notified via the homework planner.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6, 2012

     The 7th grade conducted a lab activity today on Ocean Acidification. They investigated the conductivity, pH  and alkalinity of four types of water; ocean, distilled, tap and seltzer.
To complete the lab report for this investigation students need to open the Ocean Acidification in a Cup lab.  The instructions for what to write are in this document.  In class students completed all sections up to the Results section.  They should start with the four parts of the Results and then complete the Discussion, Conclusion and Sources of Uncertainty.  Please title each section.  The lab is due next Thursday.  If the directions in the document are confusing please email or see Ms. Brunning with questions.

     Fifth grade did a fingerprint activity today, making prints of their own fingers and attempting to identify the fingerprint type.

     On Tuesday, Mrs. Cantin brought the fourth grade in to do her lab activity on the water cycle.  Ms. Brunning helped out with the "Make an Instant Water Cycle" station.

     Third grade also came in Tuesday for an activity on the skeleton.  They contemplated what it takes for the body to be able to jump rope and then tried to figure out how many bones the human body has; 206.
They viewed the bones in x-rays and the classroom skeleton.

     Science Fair questions are everywhere.  The plan of meeting students at lunch is not working well.  Friday the process for connecting with students will be reviewed and revised.  Watch for an update by Sunday.  Thank you for your patience as we work to make this project meaningful and a success for each student.