The science fair is right around the corner. Students should finish up their project this weekend.
For students with an engineering project, here is an additional resource for writing up your research paper:
For students who do not have access to graphing software, here is a website where you can make a graph with your data:
All students will present their project to their class on either Tuesday the 12th or Wednesday the 13th.
They will need to bring the following:
- display board
- research paper
- journal
Students may take their boards home after the presentation if they want to work more on them. They may also leave the board in the science lab until the day of the fair.
Sally Ride Science and Engineering Exposition
Fair Day Schedule, February 19, 2013:
7:45 am Students arrive to school and set up or check their
display table. They will have their
display board, research paper and journal.
They may also have their invention to display.
9am Judges arrive and receive instruction
9:30 -10:45 am Judges review projects without students present
10:45- 11:40am 4th and 5th grade students are interviewed by judges
10:45am-12pm 6th, 7th and 8th grade students are interviewed by judges
3-3:30 pm All school assembly to announce results of judging
3:30-6:30pm Sally Ride Science and Engineering Exposition
Open House-Everyone is welcome to come
view student projects, there will be a science quiz
booth where anyone can come
answer science questions and win a prize.
6:30pm Clean-up crew takes down tables and displays.
We can still use judges and volunteers for set-up and clean up. If you can help please contact Joell Hamersly at
If you need help completing the project please email Mrs. Brunning at